Product Specifications

Barinas Fine Flavor Premium
Barinas Cocoa is found in Venezuela’s Western region. It is cultivated in gallery forests, on recent, deep alluvial soils, with good drainage, structure and medium natural fertility. The edaphoclimatic conditions of this region, as well as the existence of a large number of hectares with a Cocoa vocation, define it as ideal for the crop’s growth.
A Trinitarian variety Cocoa is produced in this area with good-sized pale violet colored beans. When fermented, they generate fruity flavors and light citric acidity.
Sensory Analysis of Barinas Fine Flavor Premium Cocoa, Barinas State
Product Specifications
Origin | Barinas State, Venezuela |
Variety | Trinitarian Cocoa |
Quality | Fine Flavor Premium |
Bean Count
Min. Quantity per 100 gr. | 84 | Whole Beans |
Min. Weight per 100 beans (gr.) | 120 | Whole Beans |
300 Beans Cut Analysis
Average (%) | |
Moldy Beans | 2,0 |
Infested Beans | 1,0 |
Fermented Beans | 55 a 66 |
Cocoa Sample's Humidity | 7 a 8 |
Non-natural substances to Cocoa | No |
Defective odors detected (humid, smoky, hammy, moldy, others) | No defective odors |